
Are YOU Acting as the Creative & Loving Being YOU are?

  Believe it or not… we are all creative and loving beings, we are naturally born this way. So how come we don’t seem to remember this… and  instead of creating our joys we act quite differently, pretending to be serious, sad, depressed, bored, in a rush, tired, limited,  etc… IAM sure you get my drift.   …

Are YOU Acting as the Creative & Loving Being YOU are? Read More »

Are YOU aware of YOUR Awakening & Integration?

  I noticed how comfortable I felt experiencing our last powerful Super Blue FullMoon Eclipse… I didn’t feel any big emotions coming up that usually try and pull me into play… just a little of my old control and the other side of the coin, the victim; old roles coming up that were ready to dissolve. I simply breathed in acceptance, relaxed and enjoyed …

Are YOU aware of YOUR Awakening & Integration? Read More »

Magnificent Guest Blogger/Author Feature 2018… Consciousness

    This is an invitation to all my Divine and Passionate Brothers & Sisters who love to write…. to feature as my Magnificent Guest Blogger/Author 2018. Not only is it an opportunity to share yourself, your passion, your inspiration and your creations with many others… but to write about your feelings on Consciousness vs Artificial …

Magnificent Guest Blogger/Author Feature 2018… Consciousness Read More »