
What To Do With Fear?

Fear of making a mistake has sometimes almost paralyzed me, how about you? The other day, a small daily event connected me with a bigger pattern in life.  I had cleaned my computer’s cookies and cache, so I needed to enter my password again to access my emails. I typed in the password and got …

What To Do With Fear? Read More »

Inspiration to make and reach your goal this New Year!

Create goals that you WILL achieve! Learn HOW. ·         What will you be doing in 10 years? ·         Where would you like to be? ·         What is keeping your from achieving your dream or goal? Many people have resolutions and goals every year, but only few people achieve them. It seems  like somewhere, along our path, things happen, life gets …

Inspiration to make and reach your goal this New Year! Read More »

Setting SPECIFIC Money Goals: Magic Torpedo Fuel For Our Dreams

So the nerdy academic in me has a quote for you today:  “If you don´t know which port you´re steering for, no wind is favorable.”  Hmmm…think about that for a second…..DUH! Right? Even some smart old Roman dude (in this case, Seneca) figured out ages ago that if you don´t make a clear and concise …

Setting SPECIFIC Money Goals: Magic Torpedo Fuel For Our Dreams Read More »