What is natural progesterone cream?

Many years have passed before women could get their hands on a real natural product for peri-menopause and menopause.

Times have changed and women are now able to control the symptoms of “the change of life” with some lifestyle changes, a new diet, and gentle exercise. 


Natural Progesterone Cream ProgesterAll


Choosing a natural cream rather than progestins is the key to natural balance. I am sure most women could agree this is vital for our wellbeing.

Progesterone cream is calming and extremely powerful for perimenopausal women and especially for PMS. Not only that but during the second half of the cycle when the hormone levels drop and women feel uncontrollably imbalanced.

So what is progesterone cream? it is a natural balancing bioidentical cream that the body relates to and processes through the liver.

Find out more in my article: What is natural progesterone?

Please feel free to write to me with any questions you have regarding hormone balance and natural progesterone cream ProgesterAll.

Ali Farmer

Website: www.mividanatura.com

Facebook: Wellness With Ali