Dr Lindsay Foreman

Costa Women meet Dr. Lindsay Foreman

Being sick and tired of her old life was one reason for Dr. Lindsay Foreman’s move to Granada. She learnt through her doctorate to navigate the ups and downs of pursuing goals and teaches you how to too. Read her story.

Why Spain?

Sick and tired (literally) of the hectic pace of life in the UK Spain has always felt so much more relaxed, restorative and right. We travelled the whole of Europe in a motorhome in 2014, homeschooling our then 8 year old.

Despite falling in love with Croatia, Spain offered the climate, the culture and an easy commute back to the UK. When shocked by the Brexit vote we knew it was time to buy in Europe and we began our search in earnest in 2019, focused on being within an easy drive on Sierra Nevada and the coast. Bingo – a litte three bed cortijo for €56k in the Granada National Park!

When Covid struck the perfect opportunity to get locked down in Spain and go for residency

And where are you now?

We chose the Granada province so we can ski in the morning and be in shorts at-shirts on the beach in the afternoon if we want!

The sunshine, the quality of life, the siestas, the food, the diverse environments – the free tapas!

Lindsay Foreman

What was the biggest challenge for your move?

Getting residency and the language barrier – so we made an english speaking Spanish friend who helped immeasurably!

Do you have any advice for Women thinking about making the move?

Prepare! I tried to make the moved back in 2010 and ended up moving back to the UK because I overstretched financially and underestimated the emotional toll.

This time round we rented the UK property for passive income and found a cheap, house here that we can also rent out when we travel. And I now buy all my clothes in charity shops and am willing to eat beans if I have to to support this life choice!

Lindsay Foreman

Has your the move affected your business? 

My husband Craig (a carpenter) and I make sure we balance work we love (him building, me guiding clients towards a life filled with energy and ease) with enjoying all the best that life in Spain has to offer!

I started a doctorate in 2019 researching the thoughts and emotions associated with goal achievement (my thesis is called FRANK).

It was supposed to be face to face in Oxford but lockdown made it all virtual, as with all my facilitation work with leaders in the public and private sectors so some of my week is spent online facilitating workshops and training.

I graduated in Sep 2023 so am now translating the very interesting research results of the positive impact of negative states into a FRANK community of connection to navigate the ups and downs of goal pursuit – whether that is moving countries, setting up a business, learning a language or relaxing more!

Lindsay Foreman

If you could achieve one spectacular thing in just one day what would it be?

Be fluent in Spanish and engage with Spanish speakers for my work. 

Something you are grateful for?

My doctorate and the opportunity it gives me to make a difference in the world. That negative states such as anxiety, stress, self-doubt and overwhelm are a normal part of life, especially when we are pursuing goals. When we learn about and lean into our natural levels of energy and ease we can navigate the ups and downs towards a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Who would be at your special dinner party?

My husband, my Uncle Mike and Auntie Sue, my sons – because I love them all deeply, they accept me for who I am and we have a lots of fun together playing games and enjoying each others company.

What’s your secret  accomplishment?

Adventure – being willing to step into the unknown.

Do you have a favourite quote?

"Whether you think you can or whether you think you can't, you are right."

Belief in yourself is key. We have to believe in the art of the possible beyond our current reality.

Lindsay Foreman - we love Spain

One thing you had to bring to Spain and could never give away?

Nothing. When we went travelling in a motorhome we learned to live without material possessions we once thought we could not live without. I do love Marmite though…

Do you have a favourite book?

My thesis, FRANK. Because I wrote it and he (it) changed me.

Something you would tell your younger self?

You are fucking awesome and I love you no matter what! Follow your heart xxx

Thank you Dr. Lindsay Foreman where can we find out more?

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Lindsay Foreman