Michele Schalin

Costa Women Meet Michele Schalin

Formerly in Valencia with a plan to return is Michele Schalin. On her book tour she has been bringing her mindful metamorphosis to the world. Read her story.

Why Spain?

Transforming my language skills was my driving force for relocating to Spain. The moment I set foot in this enchanting country in 2016, I instantly fell head over heels in love.

And where are you now?

From Oct. 2017 to Feb. 2021, Valencia, Spain became my home, and soon it will be again by 2025.

During my recent book tour in October 2023, I had the pleasure of visiting Valencia, Barcelona and Malaga again. My book, “Mindful Metamorphosis: A Compassionate Guide to Inner Transformation,” garnered tremendous attention and support during this memorable journey.

Top Three Reasons to Move to Valencia

1. Beaches that will take your breath away. Valencia’s beautiful beaches that will leave you mesmerised. They also have a very active rowing and sailing community.

2. The best of both worlds. Valencia offers the safety and warmth of a smaller town, combined with the diverse cultural activities of a larger city. You’ll experience a close-knit community where everyone feels like a neighbor, while enjoying a wide array of cultural events, festivals, and culinary experiences.

3. Amazing diversity! Valencia is a melting pot of people from all corners of the globe. Immerse yourself in a vibrant and multicultural community, fostering connections and a variety of perspectives.

Michele Schalin

What was the biggest challenge for your move?

I ventured into a whole new world, leaving everything behind. Armed with only basic Spanish skills, I faced the daunting challenge of overcoming the language barrier.

Do you have any advice for Women thinking about making the move?

Start studying and learning Spanish if you do not already speak it. Enhance your language skills with the help of a private tutor to make the transition smoother.

Connect with like-minded individuals through platforms like Costa Women, Facebook groups, and Meetup.com.

Expand your language abilities and meet new people who share your interests.

What brings meaning to you? 

I experience true bliss in my life through meaningful connections. From engaging conversations to spontaneous singing and dancing, I embrace every moment.

I love friendship circles, nature hikes, meditation, and yoga to cultivate a deeper sense of connection.

I am always seeking opportunities to raise our collective consciousness with love and higher vibrational energy.

In addition to running a successful website services company for the past two decades, my true passion lies in my company Mindful Metamorphosis and my book “Mindful Metamorphosis: A Compassionate Guide to Inner Transformation.

I am dedicated to educating, guiding, and supporting individuals in improving their mental fitness and transforming their lives. Using scientifically proven holistic practices, we can thrive in today’s challenging world.

Mindful Metamorphosis by Michele Schalin

What is one spectacular thing you would like to achieve in 2024?

For my book to be on the New York Times Best Seller List for 6 months.

What are you grateful for?

Unlocking the power of self-love and the art of forgiveness has been the key to my profound transformation. Through this profound healing journey, I discovered priceless insights that have elevated my consciousness to new heights.

Who would be at your special dinner party?

Oprah Winfrey – She has an amazing life story and is always inspiring and uplifting people.

Dr. Brene Brown – I love her work and the way she communicates.

Dr. Gabor Mate – Brilliant and compassionate man with a passion to help people understand how unhealed trauma affects your life.

Dr. Carl Jung – Amazing insight and quotes on how the subconscious works and how to reprogram your mind.

What’s your secret weapon?

My passion, effective communication, and unwavering tenacity. This potent combination, paired with my ability to have a bigger vision and networking skills propelled me towards success.

Do you is one mantra or advice you live by?

“Eventually you stop calling them coincidences and you realise how powerful you are.”

I embrace the presence of people, challenges, and experiences in my life as valuable tools for learning, personal growth, and manifesting my true destiny.

One thing you had to bring to Spain and could never give away?

My precious personal photos of my family.

Do you have a favourite book?

Choosing a favourite book is no easy task, but if I had to choose, I’d go with “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle. This incredible book took me on a journey of profound introspection and expanded my perspectives, ultimately transforming my lif

Something you would tell your younger self?

Guidance to my younger self: Embrace the art of slowing down and releasing the burden of taking things too seriously. Dive into the depths of your being through the practice of meditation and breathwork. Dedicate ample time to immersing yourself in the beauty of nature, for it is in these moments that you shall discover the answers and love you have been yearning for.

Thank you Michele Schalin where can we find out more?

My websites: https://micheleschalin.com/ https://mschalin.com/

And follow me on Social Media

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mschalin/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/michele.schalin 

My Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/mschalin


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Michele Schalin