
Will the INTEGRATION of my Body, Mind & Spirit ever END?

While the Human Body and Mind goes through a tremendous reNEWal… natural UPDATES and DETOXIFICATION due to the high light frequencies penetrating Earth and all Humankind, the MasterCreator within (spirit essence) waits patiently to be acknowledged and welcomed in. To fuse in conscious awareness Body, Mind and Spirit and prepare for Embodied Enlightenment. S/he is

Will the INTEGRATION of my Body, Mind & Spirit ever END? Read More »

Astrology as a Tool to help you move into your own powerful tot

Thank you Linda LiteBeing for helping me move into my Powerful Totality… Last year my dear friend Linda over at LiteBeing gave me a written astrology reading… a fascinating tale of Barbara based on my birthdate and how the alignment of the planets 2015/2016/2017 can influence me. I know it is a lot of work,

Astrology as a Tool to help you move into your own powerful tot Read More »