
The importance of Private Air Conditioned Treatment Rooms

It’s funny isn’t it the things you take for granted. Things that are so obvious to you that it never occurs to you that someone else might feel differently. Things like privacy, patient comfort, medical confidentiality, personalised treatment. UK Training In the UK where I trained and worked for many years, physiotherapy occurred 1 on

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Menopause – the facts

The hormonal transition of menopause is a significant and inevitable chapter in every women’s life. As women, we battle with our hormones, from our teenage years through to midlife, at which point it comes in the form of waves. There was a time when menopause was a forbidden word. Known as ‘the change’ and typified

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Xenoestrogens, what are they all about?

Xenoestrogens are known to interfere with normal human hormone production and utilization. They have been linked to miscarriages, early puberty, endometriosis, cancers, and obesity. In addition, xenoestrogens can become stored in fat cells because our body has difficulty breaking them down. They can be found in many foods, cleaning products, drinks (aspartame), and personal hygiene

Xenoestrogens, what are they all about? Read More »